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Xinhua News Agency Praises Ren Ze! Agricultural technology by "cloud" to come!



"Today, I came to Yongsan Village, Yongfuzhuang Township, where wheat is sown late, so we should pay attention to strengthening the management of fertilizer and water ......" Early in the morning, Li Qingbin, a senior agronomist in Renze District, Xingtai City, Hebei Province, opened a WeChat group to explain the precautions for spring management of different plots through live video.

Li Shengxiang, a villager from Dengqiao Village in Tiankou Town, grabbed a few mouthfuls of rice and hurried to the field to turn on his cell phone. He wanted experts to give him advice on wheat land management.

After looking at Li Shengxiang's wheat seedlings through the screen, Li Qingbin said that the wheat field needs to strengthen the management of fertilizer and water, and attention should be paid to preventing lodging in the later period. It is not a big problem to produce more than 1,000 pounds per mu.

Li Shengxiang breathed a sigh of relief: "I am also a veteran of farming, and I have no bottom in my heart when I encounter this situation." Li Shengxiang planted 200 mu of wheat this year. Affected by last year's autumn waterlogging, he sown more than 20 days late. The overall seedling situation is weak.

On April 22, Li Qingbin, a senior agronomist in Renze District of Xingtai City, instructed farmers to manage and protect wheat through "online. Photo by Song Jie

The case of Li Shengxiang is not an isolated case. "Due to the large proportion of late sowing wheat, the seedling situation before winter is poor." Li Yan, deputy director of the Agricultural Technology Extension Station of the Xingtai Agricultural and Rural Bureau, said, "the proportion of the first and second types of strong seedlings of wheat winter in the city is far lower than the normal level."

Rare autumn waterlogging and large-scale late sowing of winter wheat have caused local farmers to mess up ". Scientific recovery of production, prevention and control of diseases and insect pests and other work need to be made clear to farmers, but affected by the epidemic, some counties and districts are unable to carry out large-scale centralized training, what to do?

The local agricultural sector tailors itself. In view of the counties and districts where the epidemic situation is relatively stable, the city has sent more than 1700 agricultural technicians and more than 4000 grain production science and technology commissioners to form more than 220 science and technology strong seedling service teams to carry out seedling situation investigation in the fields of villages and towns, and guide farmers to implement classified policies.

For the counties and districts where the epidemic occurred, the agricultural department adopted the "Internet agricultural technology promotion" method to organize and carry out webcast training. Agricultural technology experts will systematically explain production technologies such as fertilizer and water management, pest control, and late spring cold prevention. Farmers can also communicate with experts online.

According to reports, the proportion of second-class wheat 1. seedlings in Xingtai City has reached 89.9 percent, which is basically close to the perennial level, and summer grain is expected to have a good harvest. (Reporter Bai Mingshan)

Source: Xinhua News Agency

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